TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service to reach Family Health Center Crisis Line or dial 711 then 988 to reach the National Suicide and Crisis Hotline.

24/7 Mental Health Hotline

Prensipal swen sante Walk-In Klinik

Biwo Washington Avenue sèlman

Louvri 8am - 1pm
Lendi - Vandredi

Vini wè nou nan klinik la Walk-an pou tretman maladi minè ou oswa aksidan: zòrèy, gòj, enfeksyon sinis, rim sèvo, grip, enfeksyon urin, lafyèv, gòj fè mal, bwonchit, alèji sezon, enfeksyon po, boule, koupe, ak espurins.

Rele nou jodi a nan (812) 494-7500Vizite klinik la jodi a!

Byenveni nan Sant Sante Fanmi an!

Te fonde nan 2018, òganizasyon nou an dedye a bay swen sante aksesib ak abòdab nan kominote nou yo. Valè òganizasyonèl nou nan swen bon jan kalite, entegrite, kominote, patenarya, enklizif, ak konpasyon yo se sa lidèchip nou yo ak anplwaye fè efò bay chak jou.

Kòm yon Sant Sante Federalman Kalifye ak yon Sant Sante Mantal Kominotè, nou dedye a bay swen nan pli ekstrèm nan ou. Avèk health center locations across Knox, Daviess, Martin, and Pike counties, we are committed to meeting your primary and behavioral health needs. Our residential group homes, accredited Clubhouse, and school-based clinics offer additional services which complement our traditional programs and services.  

Opened in 2024, the Green Door Center provides 24/7
behavioral health crisis services. Our crisis call center, mobile crisis team, and crisis stabilization unit provide 24-hour round the clock care to meet the growing demand of mental health services across our region.

Kòm CEO Sant Sante Fanmi an, mwen ta renmen remèsye ou pou mete konfyans nou ak bezwen sante prensipal ak konpòtman ou yo. Avèk

Jennifer Emmons, MSN, MBA

Sèvis Navigasyon Pasyan

Nan Sant Sante Fanmi an nou konprann ke bezwen ou ka rive pi lwen pase fasilite nou yo. Sant Sante Fanmi an ofri yon ekip pwofesyonèl espesyalman resevwa fòmasyon pou ede ou nan tout bezwen kominote a. Navigatè nou yo ak administratè ka yo isit la pou ede ou ak:

Asistans asirans

Jesyon maladi kwonik

Asistans transpò

Asistans kalifikasyon pou lòt resous ki gen ladan men pa limite a bezwen manje ak lojman

Edikasyon Sante

Jesyon ka

Asistans finansye ki gen ladan yon pwogram rabè echèl frè glisman

To help ensure that your services are billed correctly and timely please email a clear image of the front and back of your insurance card and include your phone number to sendmycard@yourfhc.org.

What we do

Our Services

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Behavioral Health

Doing the most good is hard. We recommend some of the best charities in the world to you.

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Family Medicine

The funds from events enable volunteers like you help us make these events more successful.

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We distribute usable garments to the poorest of the poor children, women and the men of all ages.

Clinic Hours

Monday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday 8:00am – 6:00pm
Friday 8:00am – 3:00pm

Bonbon sit
Nou pran swen sou done ou, epi nou ta sèvi ak bonbon sèlman amelyore eksperyans ou. Lè ou sèvi avèk sit entènèt sa a, ou aksepte tout bonbon.