TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service to reach Family Health Center Crisis Line or dial 711 then 988 to reach the National Suicide and Crisis Hotline.

24/7 Mental Health Hotline

Sant byennèt mobil entegre

Sant Samaritan nan entegre mobil byennèt vizite kominote riral yo ki ka fè fas a mank aksè nan resous sante mantal ak konpòtman ak/oswa sèvis yo. Konsantre a se bay swen sante entegre mantal ak konpòtman kòm byen ke enfòmasyon resous nan kliyan ki ka gen baryè nan transpò, aksè entènèt oswa stigma ki asosye ak resevwa swen.
Kliyan ki vizite Sant Entegre Mobile Byennèt la ka resevwa:

Evaluasyon dyagnostik

Jesyon medikaman

Jesyon ka

Terapi endividyèl

Edikasyon paran

Avèk terapis sou-tablo ki gen lisans nou an, nou yo kapab bay evalyasyon ak etabli swen pou kliyan an. Si yon kliyan ki nan bezwen avanse oswa long tèm kontinye swen, anplwaye sou tablo ka ede rezoud baryè kliyan ka gen nan jwenn aksè nan plis resous swen sante konpòtman tradisyonèl yo. Sant Entegre Mobile Byennèt la bay swen tout-englobe anba kwayans nan geri kò a, lespri, ak bezwen sosyal. Sa a se akonpli pa kowòdone atravè pakèt sèvis Samaritan Sant a bay bon jan kalite a pi bon nan swen pou yon kliyan.
IMWC a kounye a bay sèvis nan Knox, Daviess, Pike ak Martin konte e li te vwayaje 8,500 mil nan premye ane li yo nan sèvis ak espere pou rive nan konte vwazen trè byento.
Pou pran randevou yon randevou lè IMWC a se nan zòn ou, tanpri rele (812) 890-3379.
Sant byennèt mobil entegre

Sistèm Swen

Sistèm nan Kowòdonatè Swen konsantre sou bati relasyon, konekte moun kap bay swen ak bati alyans pou ke moun ki bezwen èd ka jwenn aksè nan yon rezo kowòdone nan sèvis. Kòm defansè pèsonèl yo, yo vle asire w ke moun resevwa san pwoblèm, swen konpasyon.
Pou plis enfòmasyon sou Sistèm nan Swen nan konte Knox, Daviess, Martin ak Pike, tanpri imèl Myranda Knepp oswa rele l nan 812.494.9514.
Jwenn sèvis ou bezwen pou pitit ou ak fanmi ou kapab pafwa dwe yon defi. Nan yon efò pou ede kominote nou an, pwogram Sèvis Entansif Jèn Sant Sante Fanmi an ofri pwogram Sistèm Swen pou ede jwenn aksè nan sèvis pou jèn zòn yo ak fanmi yo. Depatman Sante Mantal ak Dejwe Eta Indiana a (DMHA) te kreye Sistèm Swen, yon pwogram asire ke sitwayen Indiana gen aksè a bon jan kalite sante mantal ak sèvis dejwe ki ankouraje rezistans endividyèl, fanmi ak kominote ak rekiperasyon.

Sèvis Wraparound High Fidelity

Sant Sante Fanmi se sit la Aksè Otorize pou Sèvis Wraparound nan Knox, Daviess, Martin, ak Pike konte nan Indiana. Pwogram yo Wraparound se yon apwòch planifikasyon swen ki bati sou travay ekip la nan yon gwoup angaje nan fanmi, zanmi, kominote, ak pwofesyonèl lè l sèvi avèk resous ak talan nan divès ajans yo kreye yon plan nan swen ki pi bon pou timoun nan, fanmi an, ak objektif li yo.
Pou yon vizit referans https://incmhwportal.fssa.in.gov/ pou ranpli yon aplikasyon. Yon fwa aplikasyon an resevwa ou pral konekte ak Sant Aksè ki apwopriye a pou yon evalyasyon epi detèmine ki pwogram Wraparound ki aplikab.


Children's Mental Health Initiative

Not invoiced with DCS or Probation

DSM-IV-TR diagnosis - youth meets criteria for 2 or more approved diagnoses

CANS 4, 5, or 6 and DMHA/DCS Project Algorithm must be a 1

Must be between ages 6 and 17

Experiencing significant emotional and/or functional impairments that impact their level of functioning at home or in the community

Not Medicaid eligible/lack funding for service array

Children's Mental Health Wraparound

DSM-IV-TR diagnosis - youth meets criteria for 2 or more approved diagnoses

CANS 4, 5, or 6 and DMHA/DCS Project Algorithm must be a 1

Must be between ages 6 and 17

Experiencing significant emotional and/or functional impairments that impact their level of functioning at home or in the community

Estasyon Enspeksyon Retensyon Timoun

Sant Sante Fanmi Willows a ofri enspeksyon chèz sekirite timoun yo. Paran yo ka fè yon randevou pou yo gen chèz machin aktyèl yo enspekte pa youn nan sètifye Teknisyen Sekirite Pasaje Timoun nou yo (CPST).
Poukisa ou ta dwe gen chèz swen pitit ou a tcheke? Estatistik montre ke 3 soti nan 4 plas machin yo enstale mal e ke aksidan machin motè yo se kòz ki mennen nan lanmò nan mitan timoun yo.
Willows teknisyen ki sètifye FHC pral evalye ki jan pitit ou adapte nan chèz machin yo e ke chèz la kòrèk pou gwosè yo, tcheke chèz la machin pou nenpòt manifakti sonje, epi asire chèz la byen enstale nan veyikil la.
Willows Sant Sante Fanmi se Knox & Pike Konte Enspeksyon Enspeksyon Timoun Konte. Pou pran randevou yon randevou ak youn nan Teknisyen Sekirite Pasaje Timoun nou tanpri rele 812.885.2720.
Nan jou randevou ou pral bezwen pote avèk ou sa ki annapre yo:

Pitit ou

Chèz machin aktyèl pitit ou a

manyèl enstriksyon chèz machin

Veyikil ki itilize pou transpòte timoun nan

Manyèl enstriksyon veyikil la

Bwochi Sekirite Syèz Swen

Plas Rasanbleman - Pwogramasyon Jou Granmoun

Plas Rasanbleman an bay yon kote pou granmoun ki gen andikap fè efò pou yo rive jwenn potansyèl plen yo nan kominote a, pandan y ap bay yon anviwònman ki pa jijman ak louvri-èspri pou tout moun ale. Objektif The Gathering Place se ede bati pwòp tèt ou yon patisipan an, ede yo pran responsablite pou tèt yo, anseye yo idantifye nenpòt sentòm yo ta ka gen ak pou chèche asistans lè sa nesesè.
Pou reyalize objektif sa yo, pwogram lan bay teknik bilding konpetans ki gen ladan ladrès sosyal, ladrès fè fas, jesyon kòlè, jesyon medikaman, ak ladrès k ap viv endepandan.
Kote Rasanbleman

Sèvis Navigasyon Pasyan

Nan Sant Sante Fanmi an nou konprann ke bezwen ou ka rive pi lwen pase fasilite nou yo. Sant Sante Fanmi an ofri yon ekip pwofesyonèl espesyalman resevwa fòmasyon pou ede ou nan tout bezwen kominote a. Navigatè nou yo ak administratè ka yo isit la pou ede ou ak:

Asistans asirans

Jesyon maladi kwonik

Asistans transpò

Asistans kalifikasyon pou lòt resous ki gen ladan men pa limite a bezwen manje ak lojman

Edikasyon Sante

Jesyon ka

Asistans finansye ki gen ladan yon pwogram rabè echèl frè glisman

Prevention Services

Family Health Center provides training to area youth and families through evidence-based programs to deter children from underage drinking, vaping, and discourage violence, as well as parent skills training. To bring awareness about these programs in the community, Willows Family Health Center prevention team hosts and attends numerous community events in the FHC four-county coverage area. Funding for prevention services and substance free alternative events has been provided in part by Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Division of Mental Health and Addiction.
Prevention Programming includes Strengthening Families, Too Good for Drugs and Violence, CATCH My Breath, Talk! They Hear You.
Strengthening Families
The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is a multi-week evidence-based family skills training program for high-risk and general population families that is recognized both nationally and internationally. Parents and youth attend weekly Strengthening Families Program skills classes together, learning youth life and refusal skills as well as parenting skills. There are separate class trainings for parents and youth in the first hour, followed by a joint family practice session in the second hour.
Too Good for Drugs and Violence
Too Good for Drugs & Violence prepares students with the skills they need for academic, social, and life success. Students learn how to navigate the challenges of social and academic pressures through making responsible decisions, managing stress and anger, reflecting on personal relationships, and peacefully resolving conflict. Lessons foster analysis and discussion of the effects of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use including prescription and OTC drug misuse and various nicotine delivery devices and apply collaborative and experiential learning strategies that give students practice in the skills proven to prevent violence and other risky behaviors. Interactive games and activities provide practical guidance on dating and relationships, building healthy friendships, and refusing negative peer influence. Students also analyze the impact of social media on decision making, reaching goals, and self-identity.
CATCH My Breath
CATCH My Breath is an evidence-based youth vaping prevention program with published evidence of reducing students’ likelihood to vape. Aligned to national and state education standards. Students that undergo the CATCH My Breath program reflect on their goals and how nicotine use may impact their ability to reach these goals. Activities, conversations, and reflection make the program interactive and allow students the opportunity to direct conversations towards relevant experiences.
Talk. They Hear You
“Talk. They Hear You” is a universal, information dissemination approach for youth and their parents/guardians. TTHY campaign encourages parents/guardians to talk with their children regarding expectations on alcohol and drug use. Family Health Center uses this program in marketing on billboards, posters, postcards, and business cards.
Alternative Community Events
Alternative Community Events are social and recreational events for youth and their families that specifically exclude the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. These events are a fun way for families to bond with each other, as well as to engage with members of their community, for free (or at a low cost). Examples of ACEs are free movie nights, pickleball tournaments, free swim days, and health fairs.

Kisa nou fè

Sèvis nou

Svg Imaj Pou Sa Nou Fè Seksyon Konsènan Kontni

Sante konpòtman

Fè pi bon an se difisil. Nou rekòmande pou kèk nan òganizasyon charitab yo pi bon nan mond lan pou ou.

Svg Imaj Pou Sa Nou Fè Seksyon Konsènan Kontni

Medsin fanmi

Lajan yo soti nan evènman pèmèt volontè tankou ou ede nou fè evènman sa yo plis siksè.

Svg Imaj Pou Sa Nou Fè Seksyon Konsènan Kontni


Nou distribye rad ki itilize pou pi pòv timoun yo pòv yo, fanm ak gason yo nan tout laj.