TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service to reach Family Health Center Crisis Line or dial 711 then 988 to reach the National Suicide and Crisis Hotline.

24/7 Mental Health Hotline

A place to allow individuals to gain and give encouragement, to be empowered to connect with community and to gain back their lives lost to mental illness.

As with all clubhouses, participants are known as “members” as opposed to patients or clients. Members are unique individuals who possess valuable talents, strengths and abilities which when combined, assist in making the Clubhouse come alive. The sense of membership, support and belonging are the very heart of the Clubhouse way of working.

The Clubhouse is organized to support members living with a mental illness. The mission of the Clubhouse is to provide a safe place for members who have had their lives disrupted by a mental illness. It is a place to allow individuals to gain and give encouragement, to be empowered to connect with community and to gain back their lives lost to mental illness. Through participation, members are given the opportunity to join the worlds of employment, education, meaningful work and friendships. Clubhouses help break isolation and provides persons with mental illness and opportunity to create and share in a safe environment while receiving the necessary support to succeed.

Wabash Valley Friendship Clubhouse

Find out more below.

Our Guarantee

Wabash Valley Friendship Clubhouse guarantees its members:
  • The right to a safe space
  • The right to meaningful relationships
  • The right to meaningful work
  • The right to a welcoming environment

Membership Requirements

To be a member of the Wabash Valley Friendship Clubhouse:
  • Must be 18 years of age
  • Diagnosis of a mental illness
  • Non-violent


Membership with the Clubhouse is:
  • Voluntary
  • Member chooses their level of participation, no schedule, rules or contracts
  • All members will have access to every Clubhouse opportunity with no differentiation based on diagnosis or level of functioning


As a Member you are expected to:
  • Respect the safety, property and rights of others
  • Only smoke in designated smoking areas
  • Not be under the influence of, nor consume, alcoholic and/or illegal drugs while at the Clubhouse


The Wabash Valley Friendship Clubhouse is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended hours for recreational activities during the evening and weekends. The Clubhouse will be open for every major Holiday (hours determined on case-by-case basis).


A day in the Clubhouse could include:
  • Working in the kitchen preparing the daily lunch, cleaning, meal planning, shopping and stocking the pantry and snack shop
  • Employment training and work opportunities
  • Working the registration desk, answering phones, following up with members that have been absent, writing articles for the Clubhouse newsletter, community outreach, volunteering in the community, fundraising, hosting events


To join the Wabash Valley Friendship Clubhouse it is as easy as calling (812) 494-9512 to schedule your tour! Our friendly staff and Clubhouse members will be glad to show you the program and help you begin your new journey!

In the News

See our feature on PBS, fast forward to 13:40 on the video.

Clubhouse Newsletters

Volume 3, Issue 4Volume 2, Issue 6Volume 1, Issue 1

What we do

Our Services

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Behavioral Health

Doing the most good is hard. We recommend some of the best charities in the world to you.

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Family Medicine

The funds from events enable volunteers like you help us make these events more successful.

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We distribute usable garments to the poorest of the poor children, women and the men of all ages.

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Behavioral Health